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901 search results

  1. I'd like to save notes and trend lines on charts. IE - remove them, replace them with one click.

  2. Add ">" stop to VST and RT and the ability to have conditional stops such as either VST < .7 or RT > 1.5.

  3. Portfolio allowing Stop management from a previous starting date

  4. VectorVest platforms can be improved by not threatening to discontinue ProGraphics. Very useful information is left behind in VVT7 such as

  5. I'd like to be able to search for gaps like I can in VV US.

  6. Add RSI to data base as a searchable field

  7. Add streaming real time data on the RUT - Russell 2000. This is an important index and this information is vital to trading.

  8. Add a Calendar of the Current Week's Economic Data

  9. Provide RMA for RT, RV etc as it is in VV6. Currently only price is provided with RMA in VV7.

  10. Number the stocks

  11. Add graph links in the Trade History of the Manage Portfolios section of Portfolios

  12. Add SRTI to VV7

  13. Add the day's performance % of a stock's benchmark index (or the MTI) to the stock's history data.

  14. Seasonality

  15. more data for market timing

  16. VV U.S. Unisearch shows buy/sell/hold counts. VV7 does not. These counts are desirable to track changes.

  17. Add total losses to vv 7 autotester summary. Total gain is provided but the total win$/loss$ isn't

  18. dpo flexibility

  19. VV U.S. Watchlists have buy/sell/hold counts. VV7 does not. These counts are desirable to track changes.

  20. Provide additional year steps for the VV7 graph between the one year and five year tab.